> Garlic
Garlic Powder.
The idea is to make sure the stress levels on the birds/animals are maintained as low as possible, this will only be achieved by ensuring the numbers kept and housed are better - few - rather than many.
Suggested Dosage
Budgerigars-1 teaspoon of powder per 5kg of seed. The powder is very fine with a consistency like flour and coats the dry seed.
Mix the garlic powder into the dry seed mix. The budgerigars pick up the powder with their tongue while cracking the seed.
Known source of garlic Powder in South Australia.
Gaganis Bros. Bacon Street, Hindmarsh, South Australia.
Cost-Approximately $8 per kg packet-Smaller quantities can be purchased.
Garlic powder seems to be more effective than garlic granules as the granules, even though they are fine, do not coat the dry seed.
Limitation-To date the only limitation found is that during cold, frosty weather, the garlic powder may tend to cause the seed to stick together. Check flowmatic feeders to ensure that the seed is flowing well.
It is advised to initially introduce the birds to the seed including garlic powder progressively using small quantities than the additive quantity mentioned above to ensure that the birds eat the seed and to satisfy yourself that there are no ill effects.
Start at 1-2 tablespoons per 100 pigeons daily (approx 45kg body wt)
Reducing over 7-10 days to 1 dessert spoon per 100 pigeons.
Maintaining at this level until sure levels can be reduced further.
Adults continue receiving garlic whilst breeding.
It seems better results eventuate, when heavy-handed with garlic rather than,
trying to skimp and save.
Note, The better the hygiene controls the less garlic required.
Garlic has now been used by us for the last 12 years.
For 12 years we have used NO medication, garlic controlling worms, parasites and diseases.
We now CHALLENGE our birds by introducing sick birds, in a bid to identify those bred carrying a less than adequate immunity.
Once identified they are never allowed access to the stock loft and it is doubtful,
when we resume racing, they (the birds) would reach the race loft.
Matured Garlic (at least 3 years old) is only used.
Fresh Garlic contains essentials oils that need modification by aging for garlic to be used daily.
Loft Management and Supply,
36 Crown St
Riverstone. NSW 2765.
02 - 9627 3040